Progressive Coalition Forms Against AIPAC’s Influence in US Politics


In a united front, prominent progressive organizations in the United States are banding together to counter the significant political sway of the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC), the nation’s most influential pro-Israel lobbying group.

Over 20 advocacy groups announced the formation of the ‘Reject AIPAC’ coalition on Monday, aiming to challenge what they perceive as AIPAC’s efforts to stifle growing dissent in Congress regarding Israel’s actions in Gaza. The coalition cited reports indicating AIPAC’s readiness to deploy a $100 million campaign through its electoral arms, AIPAC PAC and the United Democracy Project (UDP), to oppose progressive members of Congress who have called for a Gaza ceasefire.

According to the coalition, rejecting AIPAC is essential for restoring voters’ centrality in American democracy. While individual candidates and organizations have criticized AIPAC’s involvement in US elections previously, this coalition marks a collective and targeted response against the pro-Israel group.

Included in the Reject AIPAC coalition are mainstream left-wing groups like Justice Democrats and the Working Families Party, alongside organizations advocating for Palestinian rights, such as the US Campaign for Palestinian Rights Action, Jewish Voice for Peace (JVP) Action, and the IfNotNow Movement.

Beth Miller, political director at JVP Action, emphasized the significance of progressive unity, calling it a “unified response” to AIPAC’s threat to progressive initiatives domestically and Palestinian lives abroad.

The coalition’s strategy involves supporting progressive candidates targeted by AIPAC through ad campaigns, lobbying against AIPAC’s agenda in Congress, and urging Democrats to disassociate from the lobby group.

Reject AIPAC is encouraging politicians to pledge against AIPAC support, denouncing the group’s advocacy for US foreign policies contradicting human rights and international humanitarian law, particularly its unconditional support for Israeli governments and their actions against Palestinians.

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Historically one of Washington’s most powerful interest groups, AIPAC formally engaged in direct electioneering in 2022, establishing political action committees to oppose critics of Israel. The coalition aims to counterbalance AIPAC’s lobbying efforts and encourage members to refuse AIPAC’s endorsement, urging them instead to pledge against receiving further funding from the group. However, many senior Democrats, including those in leadership positions, have benefited from AIPAC’s financial support.

The Reject AIPAC coalition views rejecting AIPAC as a pivotal step in recentering democracy around voters’ interests amidst the overwhelming influence of corporate Super PACs on American politics.”